Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What's the problem?

Genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

The most commonly know genocide is the one cause by the Nazi, but this is not the only one that has existed. Genocide has been occurring all over the world since God knows when, it is included in the Old testament, but are we really being informed of what is occurring. This is should topic should not be taken lightly, but the U.S. is more concerned with what to do with Justin Bieber than actually trying to help people. Genocide is something that is occurring right now, and we don't even know it.

Democracy Hit and Run

In Iran 1953  Mohammad Mossadegh was changing oil policy, so that his country would benefit not the foreign companies. Mohammad was even times magazines man of the year, but since he was changing the oil policies the U.S. was not pleased with him. They went to take him out, this wasn't like the other times where they would send E.H.M. to convince him, instead they sent one CIA member Kermit Roosevelt, and with just a few million dollars Mossadegh was overthrown. The evidence that this happened is Shah of Iran who was originally hated by his people, now he is replacing someone who was changing Iran for the better, and the oil policies go back to how they were originally.

In chapter 10- Panama's President and Hero we learn that the Panama river was being worked on since before it belonged to the U.S., but it suffered many tragedies which cause the project to seize construction. Roosevelt took interest in completing the project with American "help." Panama was held by Colombia since Roosevelt wanted the build the canal  he took it. Then suddenly a family who had ruled for eight generations no longer ruled Panama, now instead they had a new president who climbed the military ladder, and got elected. Torrijos was neither a communist or anti communist follower he did things at his on pace, and he was looking to hep the poor so he needed money that the U.S. could provide, in exchange for something else. It was said that the canal zone of Panama has a school for tropical warfare.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Wall of Pieces'

Israel has built a wall dividing them from Palestine. The people of Palestine are being blocked from the city it has become difficult to go to the market and attend schools. To get to the other side of the wall you have to go through check point, but it is not that simple you need to have special I.D. cards. They say the barrier was created to separate the "terrorist". The wall is about 700 kilometers long.

The wall has made the settlements a prison, it separates the people from everything, and to create the wall it goes between home and villages. It is very difficult to get through the wall little to no access is permitted. Many people lost their land and they lost the animals they would raise and sell. Now the people are stuff doing common work. The wall has cause problems to get from a place to another it has isolated many people and made their homes sad.

Their are many protest to get the fence torn down. The police shoot at activist that try to get through the wall, and those that they hurt they wont even call the ambulance for. The teens fight and scream at the so called people defending the wall.
Kids on the other side of the wall agree with what is going on and believe that those who go up against the government decision should be dealt with.

"The Dividing Wall - Israel/Palestine." YouTube. YouTube, 04 Sept. 2007. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.

Stepped On

The film Lemon Tree is based on a conflict between Salma Zidane and the defense minister. The defense ministers order that the lemon grove in front of his house is taken down because it is dangerous, so they sent Salma a letter telling her that they were going to take down her trees. She goes to get help from a lawyer so she can go to court. I learned from the film that is always important to fight for something that you love. Even if you are not in favor to win a case, you have to keep your head up, and do what you need to do. Just because you are alone at the start does not mean you will be for long, people will agree with your cause so you must never back down just because you think you might lose. I learned that you always have to give it your all even if it's not in your favor.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Russia Goes the mile

Russia invades Ukraine, the Russian federation has brought military force into the Ukraine, they fear that the Russians are bringing in more force. Moscow claims that what they are doing is legal, and Obama declares he is with the Ukraine directly talking to the Kremlin. He states it would no be good to Europe, Russia, U.S., or Ukraine. The Kremlin claims to support Russia. Kiev is in mourning for the lives lost in Independence Square.

Russian Military helicopters invade Ukraine. Right after the Ukraine was weakened by the protest that had occurred the government was a disaster, and Russia had just ended the Olympics they enter the Ukraine in what seems like an invasion.

"Russia Invaded Ukraine: 'Invasion' by Russian Soldiers | VIDEO." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Mar. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.

"Russia Invading Ukraine." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.

My books says this

In the west bank you find both the Muslims and Jews "living side by side, but in parallel worlds" (Dining with Terrorist). They both claim that the land is their home land so they fight for the land on who will make it their settlements. The Jews claim that the land is theirs because there bibles states that it was given to them and their off spring, so if you have to believe what one book teaches you even if you don't believe in what it says. The Jews have settled in the Muslims land not caring about the effect it has on them because now they lose the land that was meant to be for their children and their children's children.

Israel has blocked the supply of everything except for humanitarian aid, their is bad house, education, no jobs. Hamas declared its self as a government that allows violence to challenge occupation and it use it to target Israeli civilians. It was planned to take down the Hamas government because it was to dangerous it need to be taken down, and then compromise with them. Hamas government does not want to talk they declare themselves as freedom fighters because they have been attacked, eye for and eye it is declared in the karan, and its does who attack you, you attack back. Israel is contently adding people to its army they do not consider anyone a civilian.

"Dining with Terrorists - Fighting Occupation-28 Feb 09-Pt 1." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.

"Dining with Terrorists - Fighting Occupation -28 Feb 09-Pt 2." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.